- Free Research
- What is Rights-Managed Footage?
- Copyright and Release Status
- Search Tips
- How Do I License a Clip?
- What is Large Format Footage?
- Submitting Footage
Transfer Film to Digital
FootageBank can now digitally transfer 16mm and 35mm film into 4K or 8K video with new, state of the art scanning technology. We accept positives, negatives, reversed, interpositive, and cinemascope film, and have a professional team versed in preservation and scanning techniques. You will be amazed at how vividly your film comes to life - reach out today for a free quote!
Free Research
Contact FootageBank with your stock footage needs and a team member will build clip bins for you to look at on the FootageBank website, no charge.
Contact FootageBank
What is Rights-Managed Footage?
Rights-managed stock footage has a twofold meaning:
- Carefully curated clips including releases on people and properties when possible.
- License fees and rights customized for specific uses.
See FootageBank’s license agreement here
See Copyright and Release Status notes below.
Copyright and Release Status
FootageBank practices transparency in its aim to provide worry-free footage. The copyright to the footage itself is never in question. FootageBank is an authorized representative of all its footage copyright holders. As to the release status of elements contained within the footage, wherever possible, FootageBank has secured a third party stock footage release, such as for individuals depicted and private properties, to assure no third party restrictions will apply to a clip.
With corporate or government locations, and public spaces with third party branding (such as Times Square), third party releases are unobtainable and any liability in the use of such clips will be the responsibility of the end-user.
When a specific property or person is released, the description of the clip will indicate such. If no note about release status is included or if a clip description says it is not property or talent released, any liability in the use of such clips will be the responsibility of the end-user.
Unsure? Always feel free to get in touch with any questions: Contact FootageBank
See FootageBank’s license agreement here.
Search Tips
- Keep it simple. FootageBank’s search engine is not intuitive like Google so the best approach is to start slow and build on your search string to narrow down your results. An example of a good search string would be: 24p day rundown warehouse. Do not use any punctuation.
- Ending a search string with NOT followed by a word or short precise phrase will exclude results containing that word. For example, day hotel NOT New York, will exclude results of hotels in New York.
- Let FootageBank do the work! Send over your wish lists and a team member will build clip bins on our site, no charge. Contact FootageBank.
How Do I License a Clip?
FootageBank offers immediate licensing and master file downloads:
- Add selected clips to your cart.
- Find the appropriate license fee using our price matrix included with each clip and proceed to checkout.
- Enter payment information and agree to our terms and conditions.
- Your master files will then be available to download from your receipt or from your Order History in your account at a later time.
- For off-line ordering, special permissions such as payment deferments or agreement bypasses, contact FootageBank. Off-line order processing occurs only during business hours.
What is Large Format Footage?
Although the majority of FootageBank’s collection is true High Definition (1920x1080 in 24fps aka 1080p), FootageBank is aggressively growing its larger format options. Large format footage is any aspect ratio larger than HD which includes 2K, UHD, and 4K to 6K.
Submitting Footage
Contact FootageBank and introduce yourself and your work. FootageBank is always looking for more quality content and prefers footage in 4K resolution or greater. Respecting the workmanship of our contributors, FootageBank’s revenue splits are the best in the business.