Founded in 2002 by industry leader, Paula Lumbard, FootageBank is an independent rights-managed stock footage company. FootageBank specializes in contemporary and large format footage, released locations, sports, and cleared playback material with an eye to scripted broadcast, streaming, and theatrical programming. Its carefully curated collection is lean and keen - no clutter to stand in the way of finding the right shot. With clips from a global network of professional videographers held largely on an exclusive basis, FootageBank consistently culls, updates, and replaces its footage offerings based on its clients’ licensing needs.

Free Research

Contact FootageBank with your stock footage needs and a team member will build clip bins for you to look at on the FootageBank website, no charge.
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Transfer Film to Digital

FootageBank can now digitally transfer 16mm and 35mm film into 4K or 8K video with new, state of the art scanning technology. We accept positives, negatives, reversed, interpositive, and cinemascope film, and have a professional team versed in preservation and scanning techniques. You will be amazed at how vividly your film comes to life - reach out today for a free quote!

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